微软office在线文档_如何使用Microsoft Office密码保护文档和PDF
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Microsoft Office lets you encrypt your Office documents and PDF files, allowing no one to even view the file unless they have the password. Modern versions of Office use secure that you can rely on–assuming you set a strong password.

Microsoft Office使您可以加密Office文档和PDF文件,除非他们具有密码,否则任何人都无法查看文件。 现代版本的Office使用可以依靠的安全 -假设您设置了一个强密码。

The instructions below apply to Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Access 2016, but the process should be similar in other recent versions of Office.

下面的说明适用于Microsoft Word,PowerPoint,Excel和Access 2016,但是在其他最新版本的Office中,该过程应该类似。

Microsoft Office密码保护的安全性如何? (How Secure Is Microsoft Office’s Password Protection?)

Microsoft Office’s password-protection features have gotten a bad rap in the past. From Office 95 to Office 2003, the encryption scheme was very weak. If you have a document password-protected with Office 2003 or an earlier version, the password can be easily and quickly bypassed with widely available password cracking software.

过去,Microsoft Office的密码保护功能受到了不满。 从Office 95到Office 2003,加密方案非常弱。 如果您的文档使用Office 2003或更早版本进行了密码保护,则可以使用广泛使用的密码破解软件轻松快速地绕过该密码。

With Office 2007, Microsoft got more serious about security. Office 2007 switched to the (AES) with a 128-bit key. This is widely considered secure, and means that Office now uses real, strong encryption to protect your documents when you set a password. We tested the PDF encryption feature and found that it uses 128-bit AES encryption on Office 2016, too.

借助Office 2007,Microsoft更加重视安全性。 Office 2007使用128位密钥切换到 (AES)。 人们普遍认为这是安全的,这意味着Office现在可以在设置密码时使用真正的强加密来保护您的文档。 我们测试了PDF加密功能,发现它在Office 2016上也使用128位AES加密。

There are two big things you need to watch out for. First, only passwords that fully encrypt the document are secure. Office also allows you to set a password to “Restrict Editing” of a file–in theory, allowing people to view a file but not edit it without a password. This type of password can be easily cracked and removed, allowing people to edit the file.

您需要注意两件事。 首先,只有完全加密文档的密码才是安全的。 从理论上讲,Office还允许您将密码设置为“限制编辑”文件-理论上,允许人们查看文件,但没有密码就不能编辑它。 可以很容易地破解和删除这种类型的密码,使人们可以编辑文件。

Also, Office’s encryption only works well if you’re saving to modern document formats like .docx. If you save to older document formats like .doc–which are compatible with Office 2003 and earlier–Office will use the older, not-secure version of the encryption.

另外,如果您要保存为现代文档格式(如.docx),则Office的加密效果很好。 如果将文件保存为与Office 2003和更早版本兼容的.doc等较旧的文档格式,则Office将使用较旧的非安全版本的加密。

But, as long as you’re saving your files in modern Office formats and using the “Encrypt with Password” option instead of the “Restrict Editing” option, your documents should be secure.


如何用密码保护Office文档 (How to Password Protect an Office Document)

To password protect an Office document, first open it in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Access. Click the “File” menu at the top-left corner of the screen. On the Info pane, click the “Protect Document” button and select “Encrypt with Password.”

要用密码保护Office文档,请先在Word,Excel,PowerPoint或Access中打开它。 点击屏幕左上角的“文件”菜单。 在“信息”窗格上,单击“保护文档”按钮,然后选择“使用密码加密”。

The button is only named “Protect Document” in Microsoft Word, but it’s named something similar in other apps. Look for “Protect Workbook” in Microsoft Excel and “Protect Presentation” in Microsoft PowerPoint. In Microsoft Access, you’ll just see a an “Encrypt with Password” button on the Info tab. The steps will otherwise work the same.

该按钮在Microsoft Word中仅被命名为“保护文档”,但在其他应用程序中则被命名为类似名称。 在Microsoft Excel中寻找“保护工作簿”,在Microsoft PowerPoint中寻找“保护演示文稿”。 在Microsoft Access中,您只会在“信息”选项卡上看到一个“使用密码加密”按钮。 否则,这些步骤将相同。

NOTE: If you only want to restrict editing of the document, you can choose “Restrict Editing” here, but as we said, that is not very secure and can easily be bypassed. You’re better off encrypting the entire document, if you can.

注意:如果只想限制文档的编辑,则可以在此处选择“限制编辑”,但是正如我们所说的那样,这不是很安全,可以很容易地绕开。 如果可以的话,最好加密整个文档。

Enter the password you want to encrypt the document with. You’ll want to here. Weak passwords can be easily guessed by cracking software if someone gains access to the document.

输入您用来加密文档的密码。 您将要在这里 。 如果有人获得了对文档的访问权限,则破解软件很容易猜出密码很弱。

Warning: You’ll lose access to the document if you ever forget your password, so keep it safe! Microsoft advises you write down the name of the document and its password and keep it in a safe place.

警告 :如果忘记密码,将失去对文档的访问权限,请确保安全! Microsoft建议您写下文档的名称和密码,并将其放在安全的地方。

When a document is encrypted, you’ll see the “A password is required to open this document” message on the Info screen.


The next time you open the document, you’ll see an “Enter password to open file” box. If you don’t enter the correct password, you won’t be able to view the document at all.

下次打开文档时,将看到“输入密码以打开文件”框。 如果您输入的密码不正确,将根本无法查看文档。

To remove the password protection from a document, click the “Protect Document” button and select “Encrypt with Password” again. Enter a blank password and click “OK.” Office will remove the password from the document.

要从文档中删除密码保护,请单击“保护文档”按钮,然后再次选择“用密码加密”。 输入空白密码,然后单击“确定”。 Office将从文档中删除密码。

如何创建受密码保护的PDF文件 (How to Create a Password Protected PDF File)

You can also export an Office document to a PDF file and password protect that PDF file. The PDF document will be encrypted with the password you provide. This works in Microsoft Word but not Excel, for some reason.

您还可以将Office文档导出为PDF文件,并用密码保护该PDF文件。 PDF文档将使用您提供的密码进行加密。 由于某种原因,它在Microsoft Word中有效,但在Excel中不起作用。

To do this, open the document in Microsoft Word, click the “File” menu button, and select “Export.” Click the “Create PDF/XPS” button to export the document as a PDF file.

为此,请在Microsoft Word中打开文档,单击“文件”菜单按钮,然后选择“导出”。 单击“创建PDF / XPS”按钮将文档导出为PDF文件。

Click the “Options” button at the bottom of the save dialog window that appears. At the bottom of the options window, enable the “Encrypt the document with a password” option and click “OK.”

单击出现的保存对话框窗口底部的“选项”按钮。 在选项窗口的底部,启用“用密码加密文档”选项,然后单击“确定”。

Enter the password you want to encrypt the PDF file with and then click “OK.”


When you’re done, enter a name for the PDF file and click the “Publish” button. Office will export the document to a password-protected PDF file.

完成后,输入PDF文件的名称,然后单击“发布”按钮。 Office将文档导出为受密码保护的PDF文件。

Warning: You won’t be able to view the PDF file if you forget the password. Be sure to keep track of it or you’ll lose access to your PDF file.

警告 :如果忘记密码,将无法查看PDF文件。 请确保对其进行跟踪,否则您将无法访问PDF文件。

You’ll have to enter the PDF file’s password when you open it. For example, if you open the PDF file in Microsoft Edge–Windows 10’s default PDF viewer–you’ll be asked to enter the password before you can view it. This also works in other PDF readers.

打开PDF文件时,您必须输入密码。 例如,如果您在Microsoft Edge(Windows 10的默认PDF查看器)中打开PDF文件,则系统将要求您输入密码才能查看。 这在其他PDF阅读器中也适用。

This feature can help protect particularly sensitive documents, especially when you store them on a USB drive or in an online storage service like Microsoft OneDrive.

此功能可以帮助保护特别敏感的文档,​​尤其是当您将它们存储在USB驱动器或Microsoft OneDrive等在线存储服务中时。

Full-disk encryption like or is more secure and painless for protecting all the documents on your computer, however–particularly if your computer is stolen.





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